Friday, January 29, 2010

Had an amazing program at Gooding Public Library. The National Park Service came and did fossil activities with the kids in the library. On Fridays, the Gooding School District has no school so we at the public library plan programs for the students to do . We call these Funtastic Friday's at Gooding Public Library. It was great to have the help of the National Park Service. Great program and lots of attendance. I am looking forward to next months program that the National Pack Service will put on.


  1. What a great idea and great for the students in Gooding!

  2. The kids at the base library would love that. I have had some people come out to the library on the base and do programs for the kids from Bruno Dunes State Park about planets. The kids loved it as much as I did. I am hoping do more of this type of programming this year for the tweens in our area.

  3. Hi Cindy,
    That sounds like a lot of fun with the kids. It seems public libraries do a lot more activities by far than academic ones.
    Shelly (Chantiqua)
